‘Our vision is to create a marine fuels business environment where independent bunker suppliers and traders are able to develop their businesses through the implementation of best practice credit management and due diligence solutions’
Most existing credit management systems in the bunker sector rely upon the tried and tested credit reports provided by a small number of highly capable agencies. The ALL/MantraWork (MW) Credit Assessment Model (CAM) has been rigorously tested over time with many thousands of runs made. User input can include financial statements, credit reports from two of the main Credit Reporting networks in the industry, and sector outlooks. The fact that its scoring scales can be adapted to client needs, means that it can deliver consistent outputs that meet client appetite and thus become a key support document for credit applications with insurers and financial institutions.
Whilst many businesses may have instigated their own documented Credit Policy, some still have not. The provision of Credit Policy, Processes and Procedures to ensure all stakeholders understand their roles and responsibilities can go far to strengthen confidence in systems. Ensuring these are clear and that they meet the identified risk appetite of the business is what ALL can provide.
Whilst establishing Credit Policies and training teams to understand the complexities of the sector is core to ALL, the fact that it can also provide periodical review of system effectiveness and adherence to stated policy processes and procedures is critical to securing fullest support from the financial sector.
ALL can support its clients with tailored web presentations on many aspects of Bunker Credit Management such as the interpretation of Credit Reports, the use of CAM, establishing risk appetites, and the value of Credit Insurance. It can also provide more specialist sector training to existing Credit Teams within business structures.
Beyond its core areas, ALL seeks to interact with potential clients and is happy to listen to their ideas, and if it is unable to offer services or support directly, then has confidence to leverage its network to meet clients’ needs
Whilst bunker credit remains the key focus area, with ALL’s key team including those experienced in shipbroking, chartering, vessel operating and management, vessel arrest, credit report writing, market analysis (especially bunker sector), business development, credit insurance, customer relationship building, and system audit, ALL feels it can deliver a more complete package. Whilst these skills can be used independently, when leveraged within bunker credit management, they can provide an unparalleled understanding of the sector.